Nummer | Audio |
1 | Yes. |
2 | No. |
3 | Food please. |
4 | Wood please. |
5 | Gold please. |
6 | Stone please. |
7 | Ahh! |
8 | All hail, king of the losers! |
9 | Ooh! |
10 | I'll beat you back to Age of Empires. |
11 | (Herb laugh) |
12 | Ah! being rushed. |
13 | Sure, blame it on your ISP. |
14 | Start the game already! |
15 | Don't point that thing at me! |
16 | Enemy sighted! |
17 | It is good to be the king. |
18 | Monk! I need a monk! |
19 | Long time, no siege. |
20 | My granny could scrap better than that. |
21 | Nice town, I'll take it. |
22 | Quit touching me! |
23 | Raiding party! |
24 | Dadgum. |
25 | Eh, smite me. |
26 | The wonder, the wonder, the... no! |
27 | You played two hours to die like this? |
28 | Yeah, well, you should see the other guy. |
29 | Roggan. |
30 | Wololo. |
31 | Attack an enemy now. |
32 | Cease creating extra villagers. |
33 | Create extra villagers. |
34 | Build a navy. |
35 | Stop building a navy. |
36 | Wait for my signal to attack. |
37 | Build a wonder. |
38 | Give me your extra resources. |
39 | (Ally sound) |
40 | (Neutral sound) |
41 | (Enemy sound) |
42 | What age are you in? |
43 | What is your strategy? |
44 | How many resources do you have? |
45 | Retreat now! |
46 | Flare the location of your army. |
47 | Attack in direction of the flared location. |
48 | I'm being attacked, please help! |
49 | Build a forward base at the flared location. |
50 | Build a fortification at the flared location. |
51 | Keep your army close to mine and fight with me. |
52 | Build a market at the flared location. |
53 | Rebuild your base at the flared location. |
54 | Build a wall between the two flared locations. |
55 | Build a wall around your town. |
56 | Train units which counter the enemy's army. |
57 | Stop training counter units. |
58 | Prepare to send me all your resources so I can vanquish our foes! |
59 | Stop sending me extra resources. |
60 | Prepare to train a large army, I will send you as many resources as I canspare. |
61 | Attack player 1! (Blue) |
62 | Attack player 2! (Red) |
63 | Attack player 3! (Green) |
64 | Attack player 4! (Yellow) |
65 | Attack player 5! (Cyan) |
66 | Attack player 6! (Purple) |
67 | Attack player 7! (Gray) |
68 | Attack player 8! (Orange) |
69 | Delete the object on the flared location. |
70 | Delete your excess villagers. |
71 | Delete excess warships. |
72 | Focus on training infantry units. |
73 | Focus on training cavalry units. |
74 | Focus on training ranged units. |
75 | Focus on training warships. |
76 | Attack the enemy with Militia. |
77 | Attack the enemy with Archers. |
78 | Attack the enemy with Skirmishers. |
79 | Attack the enemy with a mix of Archers and Skirmishers. |
80 | Attack the enemy with Scout Cavalry. |
81 | Attack the enemy with Men-at-Arms. |
82 | Attack the enemy with Eagle Scouts. |
83 | Attack the enemy with Towers. |
84 | Attack the enemy with Crossbowmen. |
85 | Attack the enemy with Cavalry Archers. |
86 | Attack the enemy with Unique Units. |
87 | Attack the enemy with Knights. |
88 | Attack the enemy with Battle Elephants. |
89 | Attack the enemy with Scorpions. |
90 | Attack the enemy with Monks. |
91 | Attack the enemy with Monks and Mangonels. |
92 | Attack the enemy with Eagle Warriors. |
93 | Attack the enemy with Halberdiers and Rams. |
94 | Attack the enemy with Elite Eagle Warriors. |
95 | Attack the enemy with Arbalests. |
96 | Attack the enemy with Champions. |
97 | Attack the enemy with Galleys. |
98 | Attack the enemy with Fire Galleys. |
99 | Attack the enemy with Demolition Rafts. |
100 | Attack the enemy with War Galleys. |
101 | Attack the enemy with Fire Ships. |
102 | Attack the enemy with Unique Warships. |
103 | Use an Onager to cut down trees at the flared location. |
104 | Don't resign! |
105 | You can resign again. |